It's that time again--time to start thinking about what we are going to accomplish this year. Before we list Matty and Juliet's 2012 New Year Resolutions, let's see how Matty did in 2011 (
note: Juliet did not take part in the 2011 NY Resolutions since she didn't join us until April 2011 :-) ):
Matty's 2011 New Year Resolutions!
1. Be a stupendous big brother to his little sister arriving this spring: SUCCESS--Matty loves his little sister Juliet (most of the time, anyway) and gives her kisses and hugs and helps put her to bed every night. He is a natural at the big brother role.
2. Say goodbye to the crib and start sleeping in a big boy bed: SUCCESS -- Matty started sleeping in his bed in February 2011 and hasn't looked back. Even loves napping (some days) in bed.
3. Get potty trained! SUCCESS -- Definitely not an easy one or a quick victory.
4. Learn how to swim SEMI-SUCCESS -- Matty took swim lessons all fall and made a lot of progress in the pool. He is no fish yet, but he is a lot more comfortable in the water and learned the basics of swimming--way to go!
5. Stay positive and enthusiastic about everything (Just yesterday, he was cheering on daddy as we were driving). SUCCESS -- It is not unusual for Matty to cheer "Hooray!" when I say "Dinner is ready" or "Lunch is ready". He also is very supportive of all bathroom usage, so be prepared to do a victory lap and receive a cheer from Matty (see #3 above).
6. Try something new every month Hmmm, not sure how I report on this one. I'm going to go ahead and say that he accomplished this one. You'll have to trust me on it. :-)
7. Help Mommy update the blog by standing still for pictures SEMI-SUCCESS -- Matty doesn't like to stand still, but we got some great 2011 pictures of him. He even "helps" me when I update the blog some days.
Ok, drumroll....2012 RESOLUTION TIME!!!
Matty's 2012 Resolutions:
1. Start preschool
2. Get dressed by himself
3. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables
4. Write his name
5. Practice his letters and numbers
6. Be kind and helpful to his little sister Juliet
7. Be adventurous and remember to smile!
Juliet's 2012 Resolutions:
1. Learn to walk
2. Say her first word
3. Try out a swim class
4. Sleep through the night** (Pretty Please??)
5. Try ice cream
6. Be nice to her big brother Matty
7. Be our happy little girl!
And don't forget to grow you two!! Here's Matty & Juliet in April 2011: