Friday, March 29, 2013

Easter Egg Hunt Video

The chaos, the noise, the wind, the fire siren?  All that and more at the 2013 Easter Egg Hunt. 

I find Juliet's quest for an egg positively hilarious.

Matty and Brendan waiting for the start of the egg hunt:

The cousins showing off their egg hunt booty:

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Egg Hunt Results!

After an initial strong start out of the gate, followed by some reluctance, Matty was the family victor with 5 total eggs!!

Juliet got a whopping 1 egg!!  If you watch the video that will be posted next, you can see the time and effort that went into that 1 egg.  Better luck next year, baby--you can only improve! :-)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The annual Easter Egg Hunt was this past weekend and it was a cold one!  The actual event lasts for all of about 45 seconds.

Here are some pictures of Matty and Juliet getting ready to run:

Matty is clearly up to something with that look....

Juliet was not terribly excited about standing around in the chilly weather.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Climbing Mt. Wall

"Mommy, how do I climb the wall?"....followed by..."Mommy, I need to do some exercises so I can get strong enough to climb the wall"...followed by this....

Monday, March 25, 2013


I am absolutely stunned to report that Matty sat and played with play-dough for 3 hours the other day.  3 hours!  He was having a grand old time building all kinds of sculptures and blobs.  When Juliet got up from her nap, she joined in the fun...

Friday, March 22, 2013


Juliet helping herself to some chips and guacamole...yum!  Both Matty and Juliet are huge fans of Chiptole--black beans, rice, cheese quesadilla, chips, and guacamole...mmmmm....

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Juliet's hair is getting really long these days.  Mommy was able to put her hair into braids! 

It took awhile to get Juliet's hair into these pretty braids.  While Mommy was occupied, Matty went into the bathroom to do his hair--with half a container of sculpting paste.  This is his hair after Mommy scrubbed half of the hair product out of it:

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

One Hungry Lady

Juliet was very hungry on St. Patrick's Day.  She could not wait for Aunt Susie to finish cooking the corned beef and cabbage.  While everyone else was still playing, Juliet sat herself at the table and waited. and waited.  and waited. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Four Little Leprachauns

Matty, Juliet, and cousins Ryan and Brendan showing off their green! 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Happy St Patrick's Day!

From our little leprechauns to you, hope you enjoyed some corned beef and cabbage for a lovely St. Patrick's Day!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

New Shoes

Ok, so we do need to get Juliet some new shoes, but I think these are still a little too big for her tiny feet...

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Pensive Matty

Capturing a rare quiet moment--Matty coloring (while taking a break from dusting with Mommy--hence the Pledge in the picture). 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Jealous Juliet

After Matty's special Daddy and Me morning, Juliet was one jealous lady.  As soon as Daddy walked in the door, she made sure to snuggle up and not let go!!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Daddy and Me

Matty's preschool had a special Daddy and Me program on Saturday.  They had some donuts, read a book, and did a craft together.  Brian said the craft directions read like an IQ test--ha ha!  I think they passed--here's the finished product:

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Cookie Time

Time to bake some more cookies!  Back by popular demand--we made cut out sugar cookies.  I hope the kids enjoyment of the baking was at least equal to the gigantic mess of the sprinkles and flour everywhere!  It's like a cartoon depiction of what baking with kids looks like.  Once again, Juliet's favorite part was sitting and eating sprinkles.  Matty did a great job cutting out the cookies and decorating them.  He chose the cookie cutter shapes:  bat, tulip, bunny, pumpkin, flag, star, teddy bear, and gigantic gingerbread man. 

Friday, March 8, 2013

I Scream, You Scream...

We all scream for ice cream!!  Matty was lobbying pretty hard for an ice cream cone.  A chocolate ice cream cone to be specific.  So, after eating lunch, both Matty and Juliet got a cone with a tiny scoop of chocolate ice cream.  Matty was ecstatic.  He ate about 2 licks worth and then declared he was finished.  Mommy was forced to eat the discarded cone.

Juliet decided that the ice cream cone was quite tasty!  Between the spaghetti sauce and pasta for lunch and the chocolate ice cream for dessert, she was one messy kid.  Maybe we should start putting her in a swim cap at meals to avoid having to take a bath every day??

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Can't Stop

I've said before that Matty is like a shark.  He can't stop moving.  He's always running around the house, jumping off the couch, doing the crab walk--you know anything and everything.  This is him showing off his latest trick.  A sort of donkey kick jump that evolved into a couch hand stand.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

New Hat

Thank you for the amazing soft hat, Aunt Kim!  Juliet loves the hat and refuses to take it off!!

Monday, March 4, 2013

I Know!

Juliet has been saying, "Hmmmm....I know!" in response to any question these days.  Take a look...

Friday, March 1, 2013

Juliet's Morning

Juliet having her morning milk and iPad time while Matty is at school and Mommy is catching up on work.