Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Happy 5th Birthday to our wonderful Matty!!  It's hard to believe that Matty is already 5--how did that happen??  We love you Matty!

A look back at the last year in the life of Matty.  Filled with giggles, new experiences, and lots of silliness as always...

Friday, January 24, 2014

2014 New Year Resolutions!!!

A little later this year, but here we go.  How did everyone do with last year's resolutions?  Let's check in....

Matty's 2013 Resolutions:
1. Learn to write his name
Success!  He can write both Matthew and Matty!  He is doing  a great job at preschool!
2. Learn all his letters (upper and lowercase)
Mostly success/in progress.  I think he knows most of them (except maybe that pesky lower case g).
3. Practice his swimming skills 
Semi-success?  So, technically, he did this one, but it wasn't without a LOT of tears from both Matty and Mommy.  He took some swim lessons in the winter and was making pretty good progress!  He also took a refresher swim course over the summer, but it was mostly against his will.  Ha!  I will say, he is a lot more comfortable in the water and is definitely moving in the right direction.
4. Stay in school! (Preschool, that is)
Success!  He is having a great time at school this year and really enjoys going.  Hooray!
5. Keep asking those tough questions
Success!!!  Matty is certainly the type of kid that keeps us on our toes.  Whether he is grilling us about where/how babies come to be (STILL!) or asking what a cemetery is or anything else that pops in his head, he is always thinking.  And don't even try to pull one over on him.  Matty knows.  He is extremely perceptive and knows everything that goes on.  If you want to know, ask Matty.  Also, you should have seen his face when we explained that the food he eats comes out the backend as poop.  Hilarious.
6. Be nice to his little sister Juliet
Success...most of the time.  Matty really is a great big brother.  Of course they fight, but he looks out for her and it's pretty great when he reads her a story or helps her when she needs something.
7. Remember to laugh!
This is Matty we are talking about.  Love that laugh!!  He has a great sense of humor.  Still finds anything related to burping, farting, or poop outrageously funny!

Juliet's 2013 Resolutions:
1. Take a swim class
Success!  Our little fish loved swim class!  She even charmed the instructor of Matty's summer class to pull her in the water!  She has been asking me to take another swim class lately.
2. Try out a toddler gym class
Success!  Juliet is taking a toddler gymnastics class and is having a lot of fun with it.  She is excellent at forward rolls already.
3. Make the move from the crib to a big girl bed
She made the big transition in June to her big girl bed.   It was super easy and she loves her comfy bed and fluffy white comforter.
4. Say bye-bye to diapers and get potty trained
Success!  Juliet has been fully potty trained since the beginning of September.  It was a little rough over the summer (she would hold it on the beach and then pee on the floor of the beach house), but with some M&M's and persistence, she got it! 
5. Be nice to her big brother Matty
Success!  Juliet is a sweetie, most of the time, anyway!  She usually shares and plays very nicely with her big brother.  She absolutely adores Matty!
6. Keep on dancing :-)
You know it, babes!  Juliet loves to dance and move.  She even started doing her own version of twerking--how very 2013, no?  While the dance class we tried out last summer did not go well, I'm hoping we will see better results in 2014.
7. Smile!
Of course a success--Juliet is a happy girl!  

Drumroll please....

Matty's 2014 Resolutions:
1.  Learn to count to 100
2.  Learn his sight words
3.  Start kindergarten
4.  Ride the school bus to school all by himself 
5. Take more swim lessons
6.  Play more t-ball and soccer
7.  Learn to ride his bike without training wheels
8.  Laugh--Keep that sense of humor

Juliet's 2014 Resolutions:
1.  Say goodbye to her beloved pacifier
2. Say goodbye to those pesky tonsils
3. Dance, dance into a dance class!
4. Take more swim lessons 
5.  Ride a big girl bike (with training wheels)
6.  Stay in school
7.  Learn to dress herself
8. Smile!  

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Ringing in 2014

Starting the new year off right by playing Candyland with some friends...

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Matty and the Case of Too Much Christmas

Sometimes, you have just had ENOUGH of Christmas (or in Matty's case enough of Mommy's endless picture demands!)  I believe his meltdown started because I wouldn't let him put his pjs on until I took one picture with his cousins.

Miscellaneous Christmas shots...

Matty with his new Hess truck--loves this thing!!
 There's no place like home, there's no place like home...
 Refueling after a long day...
 Trying out her new dress up clothes from Aunt Susie!

Monday, January 20, 2014


Ryan and Juliet sitting for such a nice picture together!

It's So Fluffy!!

Daddy and his little girl...with her new unicorns.  :-)  IT'S SO FLUFFY!!!!!  (For all you Despicable Me fans out there)

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Photoshop a Family Shot

I never think to get a full family shot until we are back home with just the 4 of us.  I guess we need to start using the timer feature on the camera.

Christmas with the fam...

After a fantastic Christmas brunch (always one of my personal favorites), we settled down to more present opening!  Everyone had a great time watching the kids open all their presents.  Juliet wins the award for most meticulous unwrapping.  She would slowly peel one small piece at a time off a present.  :-)

Saturday, January 18, 2014

All dressed up!

Everyone had to do a quick wardrobe change out of their Christmas pjs into their fancy Christmas outfits!  Before we went to brunch, Matty and Juliet wanted to test out some new toys...

Christmas Morning Complete

Everyone helping Daisy open her Christmas presents...Santa didn't forget anyone!

 Juliet going through her stocking and trying on her unicorn headband...
 Matty happy with a new transformer!

Friday, January 17, 2014

More Christmas morning fun

The present craziness continues...

Present Madness!

The kids had a blast ripping all the wrapping paper!

It wouldn't be Christmas if Mommy and Daddy didn't get everyone pjs and slippers, right?

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Christmas Morning

Always so exciting to see what Santa left under the tree!  Matty and Juliet were sleeping in, so Mommy and Daddy had to wake them up so we had enough time to open presents before meeting up with the family for brunch (and more presents!)

 Obligatory Christmas morning pajama/top of the stairs pic
Oooh!  Santa brought Matty a brand new orange bike (with an inflatable dinosaur riding it) and Juliet a white volkswagon beetle to ride!  They also each got a dress up outfit--Matty got a fireman outfit and Juliet her first princess dress.   Wrapped under the tree was Matty's most requested Transform Dino that walks and responds to commands, a matchbox car racetrack, and a doll for Juliet and lots more!

 Juliet got the Little Mermaid movie, some bows, and a unicorn dress up in her stocking.  Matty got Despicable Me 2 and some cool Imaginext action guys. 

Twas the Night Before Christmas...

and everyone was on antibiotics, even the mouse.

We hosted a delicious Christmas Eve feast....Matty, Juliet, and the cousins in their Christmas finery....

Then, Matty and Juliet couldn't wait to get on their pjs and get into bed so that Santa could come!  First, we had to put out some milk, cookies, and a carrot!  I think they were both sound asleep by 8pm. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Let's Get Back to It!

Well, after about a month long hiatus from the land of blue ducks, we are back to catch up on the holiday craziness and exciting times of entering 2014.  Everyone is recovering nicely from the great holiday illness(es) of 2013 and bouncing back to normal for the moment.  Here's a quick recap and update:

Matty:  He was sick from Thanksgiving through Christmas, peaking with his combo kick of pneumonia and bronchitis.  We are happy to report that he hasn't coughed in over a week!  Hooray!  He is back to his happy, healthy self!  More importantly, he is extremely excited that his birthday is a mere 2 weeks away.  Matty is soon to be 5! 

Juliet:  Juliet was sick off and on through November and December.  Right before Christmas, she was diagnosed with strep for the 200th time this year (ok, not really, but it certainly felt that way).  After some bloodwork and a trip to the ENT and more dr visits, Juliet will be having those pesky tonsils removed in February.  At least she likes ice cream. 

Mommy:  Spent the better part of December/holiday season cleaning the house constantly and running to the dr every other day.  Back to the regular routine of work and a messy house. 

Daddy:  Spent most of the last month working and shaking his head at all the mayhem going on around him. 

Daisy:  She lives quite the good life here.  Always has lots of playmates and special treats.  Admittedly, she was placed on probation last week after she destroyed one of Juliet's stuffed animals, a little people (person?) toy, and a bumblebee bath toy.  We were testing out whether she was ready to sleep upstairs with us at night time.  She failed the test.

Stay tuned for rapid fire posts ahead....