Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Matty Experience

Thought I would share a few Matty stories that have me chuckling lately.

Balloon fun: 
We attended a birthday party and there was a clown making balloon animals. Upon first glance, Matty ran screaming and crying away from the man who looked like glow worm (his description ). I convinced him to get closer little by little and we spent some time watching the clown make flowers, swords, dogs, and bumblebees for the other kids. Matty laughed at the funny sounds of the balloons blowing up and really liked when the balloons accidentally popped. As the crowd dissipated, Matty was feeling better and ready to step up for his own balloon creation. The clown said, "what would you like today?". That was his first mistake. An open ended question? No choices? Matty responded: "a Batmobile". Ha! To his credit, the clown stepped up to the challenge and put together a pretty good balloon version of the Batmobile, Matty was absolutely thrilled!!

Red light, Green light: 
Driving down the road the other day, Matty starts yelling from the back seat,"Stop Mommy, stop!". I asked him what wS wrong...he said, "the light is red!". (referring to the light 4 blocks down the road). Don't worry, I stopped in plenty of time. Everywhere we go now, he tells me when to stop and go.

An answer for everything: 
Playing after dinner, Matty threw a toy and hit me in the face. After his time out punishment, I was trying to explain to him why it was wrong. Among other things, I said "How would you feel if someone did that to you?". His response? "I probably run away and then it wouldn't hit me!". Followed by the appearance of his devilish grin. Oh, Sir Matthew--what are we going to do with you? Matty certainly likes to keep everyone on their toes :-)


  1. He makes a good point. It's not his fault if you can't dodge the toys that are flung at your head. He would have dodged! :)

  2. Love the Batmobile request!! Very creative thinking Matty!
