We love Matty. He's hilarious and energetic and always keeping us on our toes. The other day, he took all of the couch cushions off and piled them into the center of the room. Then, he did a perfect full flip off the couch onto the cushions. <That display of acrobatics was followed by a lecture of why we aren't allowed to do that anymore.>
He laughs a big belly laugh whenever he sees or hears something he finds super funny--top on his list is potty humor.
We have been in that stage for awhile now where everything is questioned and punctuated with a "why?"
Matty's latest line of questioning took me completely by surprise. I wasn't at all ready for this subject and thought we had a little more time, but no luck. He also has been persistent and thoughtful, coming up with new questions each day. The topic? How are babies made/born? I have no idea what brought this topic up, but it's his favorite line of questioning lately.
I thought the best approach would be to keep the explanation simple. He countered by asking question after question.
Some of Matty's follow up questions:
" (Pointing to Mommy's belly) Where is the hole that the baby comes out of?"
"Like a craft?" (Follow up question when I told him that a Mommy and a Daddy make a baby together)
My favorite may be when Matty decided to mime being in Mommy's belly (all curled up on the couch), then jumped up and said "Hello World!" as he pretended to be born.