Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Gobble, gobble, turkey fans!  Happy Thanksgiving to all and lots of turkey and side dishes tonight. 

This year, Matty and Juliet celebrated a Thanksgiving feast at preschool and had to say what they are thankful for:

Juliet:  I am thankful for:  Matty.  (awww--she loves her big brother!!)
Matty:  I am thankful for:  when my cousins let me play Disney Infinity (thankful for a video game, sounds about right :-) )

We are thankful for our Matty, Juliet, and Daisy and all of our family.  Also thankful for a delicious Thanksgiving feast today!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Flashback Monday -- Matty

Our Matty is getting taller by the second.  A serious growth spurt lately apparently has made people think he is a couple years older than he is (??) -- the phlebotomist last week thought that he was at least 6, maybe 7.   Nope, still 4.  :-)

October 2012

October 2011

October 2010

October 2009

Friday, November 15, 2013

Flashback Friday -- Juliet

Here's a look at how big Juliet is getting.  She was such a butterball in those early pics! 
Juliet October 2013

Juliet October 2012

Juliet October 2011

Monday, November 11, 2013

Mommy's Doll

Mommy likes to dress up Juliet.  It's true.

 Juliet rocking her new trench coat

 Juliet in her festive pumpkin sweater
Juliet in her riding inspired Polo outfit. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Pumpkin Carving

I never realized how much work it was to carve pumpkins!  I think they look pretty spiffy all lit up.  We did a scary/mean faced jack-o-lantern, a silly jack-o-lantern, a minion (!), and a happy jack-o-lantern. 

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Halloween Parade

Matty and Juliet got to dress up for preschool and take part in the Halloween parade--looking good!

Matty went as an orange monster to school and Juliet went as a pumpkin!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Ok, so we are a little late to the Halloween recap party, but here are the trick or treating pictures of everyone dressed up!  Matty went with the ghost costume and Juliet chose the strawberry.  Daisy was a spooky spider. 

 Ryan the werewolf, Matty the ghost, Brendan the skeleton, and Juliet the strawberry!