Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Juliet's 9 month Check Up

Juliet is 9 months!  I know, that is sooo 2 weeks ago.  Seeing as her 9 month and Matty's 3 year check ups were so close, we decided to do them together today.  They were both fantastic at the doctor's office and no tears were shed.  They both even managed to get away without any shots--yippee! 

Just as I suspected, Juliet is becoming gigantic!  Just look at these chubby cheeks:

These are her stats: 

Height:  27 inches (40th percentile)
Weight:  16 lb 11 oz (15th percentile)

Ok, so maybe she isn't gigantic, but she is our chubby bunny compared to when we first met her:

Matty's 3 Year Check Up

It's hard to believe Matty is already 3.  It feels like he's practically ready to head off to college.  Ok, well not really yet, but he is heading off to preschool in the fall which makes his mommy both very happy and very sad at the same time.

We had his 3 year old check up today and he is doing great and growing like crazy.  Here are the stats:

Height:  38 3/4 in (75th percentile)
Weight:  33 lb (65th percentile)

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Matty turns 3 today!!  Goodbye terrible twos (I wouldn't say it was terrible) and hello terrific 3s!

He is no longer a toddler and now a full fledged little kid!  We love our energetic, silly boy!

Here is our traditional birthday montage of the past year.  Look at how big he is getting!

We love you Matty!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

2 Days and Counting...

In just 2 days, Matty is going to be 3!  I can't believe it! 

He is getting to be such a little person--here are some of the things he says that crack us up:

"Mommy, my friend Daddy is home!"  (said every night when Daddy gets home!)

"Um, I'll probably have...<insert food item>"  (when asked what he would like to eat)

"Is dinner ready?  Hooray!"

Bringing Mommy over to Daddy... "Tell Daddy I have stock"  (When Daddy was joking with Matty that he put too much stock in what Mommy said.)


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Time for a Sail

Juliet is a very lucky girl.  She has lots of people who love her and has been the super lucky recipient of cute and stylish clothes--she got some even before she was born!  Every once in awhile, I scan her closet and dresser to make sure we haven't missed anything.  This week, I found an outfit that I had been waiting for her to fit in to..finally it fits her perfectly! 

Juliet is 9 months now.  This outfit says "3 - 6 months".  I can't wait to find out her growth stats at the doctor next week.  I think she is enormous, but maybe not.... :-)

(Thanks Aunt Kim and Uncle Mike!)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Let Sleeping Babes Lie?

Juliet fell asleep in her crib for her morning nap.  When she quieted down, I went it to check on her and this is what I found. 

Hmmm.  How is her hand hanging on to the side of her crib?

 Is this really comfortable??  (Or safe??)
 Don't worry--after taking some pics, I moved Juliet to a better sleeping position.  She didn't mind at all.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Matty loves to put on hats, masks, glasses, anything and everything.  He found this pair of sunglasses at his cousin's house and couldn't resist wearing them around.

I think he looks like the Terminator..."I'll be back!"

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Monday, January 16, 2012

Hang On Juliet!

Note:  Juliet was not harmed (not really anyway) in the taking of this picture. 
This is what happens when an almost 3 yr old and an 8 month old are waiting to take a picture...

Believe it or not, I think Matty is mostly trying to keep Juliet still and she is trying to wiggle away. 

Let's take a closer look at how Juliet is faring...

Friday, January 13, 2012

How hard is it to get a picture of 6 kids, so that they are all happy and looking at the camera?  Pretty much impossible!  Here, we are attempting to get a group picture with Matty & Juliet, Zoe & Mia, and Anna & Abby:

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Fun with Friends

Matty, Zoe, and Anna had fun playing together on New Years Eve--thanks to Katie and Nick for hosting everyone!

The little ones really loved eating at the small picnic table in the kitchen--they all sat nicely and ate really well!

Matty and Zoe:

Matty, Anna, and Zoe:

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Standing Tall!

Juliet figured out how to pull herself up to a standing position in her baby tub--she loves it!  Guess we need to start taking bath in the regular tub, now!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Juliet's First Tea Party

"What?  Is there something on my face?"

Juliet loves playing with her new tea set.  Mostly, she loves chewing on the tea cup and crawling around with it hanging out of her mouth.  

Monday, January 9, 2012

Definitely NOT nap time

This is what happens when Mommy is cleaning up after Christmas and Daddy is supposed to be watching the kiddos.  Please note:  Juliet was supposed to be taking a nap.  :-)  This is what I saw when I checked in on Juliet...

They are playing with Matty's play cleaning set--a mop and a broom.  Juliet pulled the broom part off of the handle and Matty got the mop stuck in the side of the crib.  These kids!  :-)

Friday, January 6, 2012

Cars and more cars...

Matty is having a blast driving his first car.  Let's hope he picks up some skills and becomes a better driver.  His favorite thing to do is drive in circles--I think because then he doesn't have to turn the wheel!

Juliet is also a big fan of Matty's car track.  She keeps trying to grab that car, much to her brother's dismay!!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

All Smiles

Juliet was having a blast looking at all the new toys-- I love her big grin :-)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Pop is on a roll!

Pop certainly has a knack for picking out gifts that the kids love.  Matty couldn't wait to start playing with his tool set. The only problem is Juliet loves the hammer, too--she steals it every chance she gets. :-) 

Monday, January 2, 2012

Juliet's Christmas Friend

Pop got Juliet a super big present on Christmas and she couldn't wait to open it! 
 It was a teddy bear the size of Juliet!! Hmm, actually I think he may be just a little bigger than her.  :-) Juliet & Ted E. Bear:

Uh, oh!  Looks like Ted has some balance issues...

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Welcome, 2012 -- Resolution Time!

It's that time again--time to start thinking about what we are going to accomplish this year.  Before we list Matty and Juliet's 2012 New Year Resolutions, let's see how Matty did in 2011 (note:  Juliet did not take part in the 2011 NY Resolutions since she didn't join us until April 2011 :-) ):

Matty's 2011 New Year Resolutions!
1.  Be a stupendous big brother to his little sister arriving this spring:  SUCCESS--Matty loves his little sister Juliet (most of the time, anyway) and gives her kisses and hugs and helps put her to bed every night.  He is a natural at the big brother role.
2.  Say goodbye to the crib and start sleeping in a big boy bed:  SUCCESS -- Matty started sleeping in his bed in February 2011 and hasn't looked back.  Even loves napping (some days) in bed. 
3.  Get potty trained!  SUCCESS -- Definitely not an easy one or a quick victory.
4.  Learn how to swim  SEMI-SUCCESS -- Matty took swim lessons all fall and made a lot of progress in the pool.  He is no fish yet, but he is a lot more comfortable in the water and learned the basics of swimming--way to go!
5. Stay positive and enthusiastic about everything (Just yesterday, he was cheering on daddy as we were driving).  SUCCESS -- It is not unusual for Matty to cheer "Hooray!" when I say "Dinner is ready" or "Lunch is ready".  He also is very supportive of all bathroom usage, so be prepared to do a victory lap and receive a cheer from Matty (see #3 above). 
6.  Try something new every month  Hmmm, not sure how I report on this one.  I'm going to go ahead and say that he accomplished this one.  You'll have to trust me on it. :-)
7.  Help Mommy update the blog by standing still for pictures  SEMI-SUCCESS -- Matty doesn't like to stand still, but we got some great 2011 pictures of him.  He even "helps" me when I update the blog some days.  

Ok, drumroll....2012 RESOLUTION TIME!!! 

Matty's 2012 Resolutions:
1.  Start preschool
2.  Get dressed by himself
3.  Eat lots of fruits and vegetables
4.  Write his name
5.  Practice his letters and numbers
6.  Be kind and helpful to his little sister Juliet
7.  Be adventurous and remember to smile!

Juliet's 2012 Resolutions:
1.  Learn to walk
2.  Say her first word
3.  Try out a swim class
4.  Sleep through the night** (Pretty Please??)
5.  Try ice cream
6.  Be nice to her big brother Matty
7.  Be our happy little girl!

 And don't forget to grow you two!!  Here's Matty & Juliet in April 2011: