Thursday, January 3, 2013

It's Time to Bake the Cookies...

Christmas cookie baking!  We thought it would be fun to start this tradition with Matty and Juliet this year and make Christmas cookies.  They had a great time--Matty loved decorating all of the cookies with Daddy and Juliet loved eating all of the sprinkles.  A LOT of sprinkles were lost forever in this process.  It was really, really messy, but completely worth it. 

Juliet starting on her sprinkle soup.

Matty and Daddy decorating. 

Matty concentrating on his creative thoughts.  I have never seen so many sprinkles piled on top of one cookie before...
A tray almost ready for the oven! 

The sprinkle aftermath!  If you think this is bad, you should have seen the floor. 

1 comment:

  1. Yay, looks like you all had tons of fun! Love Juliet's big smile :-)
